Rhiannon Lockhart


Holistic Nutritionist

Rhiannon has always had a thing for nutrition. Since high school, Rhiannon had been exploring a variety of diets to make sure she felt her best and most energized. Throughout university, Rhiannon would often find herself researching natural hormone, gut and acne remedies rather than writing her papers or studying for tests.

Years later, some travel and a few careers in between, Rhiannon decided it was time to go back to what she truly loved - nutrition and natural health. After moving from Ontario, Rhiannon began her schooling at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition's Vancouver branch. She graduated in 2018 and began practising at a Vancouver clinic in 2019. Working alongside a variety of naturopathic doctors has provided in-depth knowledge around a variety of health concerns and conditions from gut health to hormones to weight management.

Recently, Rhiannon has completed additional training in hormone testing to provide her clients the best results possible. She advocates for a life of balance that allows her clients to feel great, but still live their lives - it's all about meeting you where you are at.

Outside of nutrition, Rhiannon is a new(ish) mom to a very active little boy, trying to find a balance between motherhood, fitness and life (aren't we all?), loves taking her dog for walks and listening to podcasts.