Skin Health

Revitalize and rejuvenate your skin with our treatments. Give your skin the happy, healthy glow it deserves.


Let our skilled team at Oak Integrative work their magic, guiding your skin through a rejuvenating journey that will have it looking and feeling fantastic. Everyone’s skin is different. Your genetic fingerprint, life story, and surroundings all play a role in the epic saga of your skin health, and this will also affect what kind of treatment your skin will respond best to.

Each individualized skin treatment plan starts with an initial skin consultation that analyzes your skin, covering topics such as hormones, diet, and lifestyle. From there, we can recommend an action plan that will get you on course to help support your skincare goals!

We offer a variety of treatments to ensure patients leave with the healthiest-looking skin possible.

  • Personalized Skin Consultation

  • Vitamin Injections

  • Micro-Needling

  • PRP SkinPen Rejuvenation Facial

  • Dermal Fillers

  • Wrinkle Relaxers

Our skincare specialists, led by Dr. Gansner, are passionate about skin health and total well-being. We look at your overall health to see how it may affect your skin and what your skin may be indicating about your overall health. We offer a variety of skin health treatments to assist our patients in obtaining the healthiest-looking skin possible. From skin-boosting vitamin injections to wrinkle-relaxation wizardry, your journey to the healthiest, happiest skin begins here!

Kickstart things now and book your personalized skin consultation! Our goal? For you to fall head over heels in love with your skin again.

Vitamin Injections

Powerful, individually determined blends of minerals and amino acids in a bioactive methyl-B12 base. Research has shown that most people are low or deficient in vitamin B12, which is more related to digestive absorption than diet. As it is injected directly into muscle tissue, the nutrients move straight to your blood system for fast absorption and results.

Vitamin injections are tailored specifically to meet each patient’s unique health and skin needs. Several combinations are available, and our team can assess and formulate a vitamin injection to meet your specific health needs. It is quick (15 minutes usually), with little to no downtime.


Micro-needling is a treatment that uses a pen-shaped device tipped with hundreds of incredibly thin needles that run along the skin, puncturing hundreds of tiny holes in the top layers of the skin. This process serves two purposes:

The needles open up the skin to allow increased absorption of serums and oils into the deeper layers of the skin increasing the efficacy of skin care products; and, speeds up the healing process that regenerates collagen and elastin in the skin.

These effects cause the skin to look and feel more plump and smooth, improving the appearance of fine lines, acne scars, pores, and wrinkles.

Read about the benefits of microneedling on our Oak Skin Blog here.


  • Dr. Gansner uses the SkinPen system from Bellus Medical. It is the first-ever medical facial needling device approved by the FDA and Health Canada. It causes controlled micro-injuries that stimulate your body’s natural wound-healing process while minimizing cellular damage.

  • Suitable for all skin types but especially effective for skin lacking radiance and firmness or with concerns such as wrinkles, fine lines, enlarged pores, and scars.
    Microneedling is also suitable for skin tightening.

  • A full micro-needling facial treatment takes no longer than an hour to complete. Before the procedure begins, a topical anesthetic is applied to all areas that will be treated with micro-needling to reduce pain, though most patients report some minor discomfort throughout the procedure.
    A thorough consultation on benefits, processes and aftercare is provided to all patients. After the therapy, you will experience redness that lasts several days and appears similar to a moderate sunburn. An aftercare topical healing set to take home is also provided.

  • The best results from micro-needling are seen after several treatments. Dr. Gansner offers several treatment options to meet each patient’s needs, so please call the clinic and book a free consultation now.

Skinpen Rejuvenation Facial

For those with scars and enlarged pores, we recommend pairing a micro-needling treatment with PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) for PRP SkinPen Rejuvenation Facial. It is an anti-aging skin treatment that works by concentrating the healing power and regeneration of skin through activation of platelets. PRP promotes the body’s own collagen to grow and regenerate new tissue resulting in smoothing and tightening of the skin. The PRP SkinPen Rejuvenation Facial is a method for facial rejuvenation that doesn’t require surgery, xeomin or fillers. It’s 100% natural because it uses your body’s own anti-aging growth factors to increase collagen production, improving skin texture and tone, leaving healthy, glowing skin.

Take years off your face in less than an hour by harnessing your body’s own natural anti-aging growth factors and platelets for dramatic results. Patients can add a PRP facial to their micro-needling for $225 for the complete PRP SkinPen Rejuvenation Facial experience.


- Reduce wrinkles;
- Repairs and tightens skin;
- Rebuilds collagen;
- Improves skin hydration, tone and texture;
- Lightens under-eye circles
- Eliminate acne scars;
- Eliminate stretch marks; and
- Reduce the signs of aging

Dermal Filler

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dr. Gansner also offers hypoallergenic dermal fillers that usually do not require a skin test prior to injection.  Our dermal fillers are made solely of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a natural component of your skin. The innate ability of HA to bind water makes it a great choice for reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, restoring facial volumes and rehydrating skin.

In your body, HA fills the spaces between cells, protecting them by retaining water and serving as a cushion. Considered a ‘natural moisturizer’ HA performs different tasks in the body. HA can hold up to 1,000 times its own weight in water, maintaining the smoothness (moisturizing effect) and plumpness (volumizing effect) of our skin.

During the aging process, the production of HA naturally decreases. The skin becomes drier and its ability to retain moisture and maintain elasticity depletes. Today, the signs and symptoms of the natural ageing process of the skin can be reduced by replacing the lost HA.

What to expect during treatment?

This treatment provides patients with safe, natural-looking and lasting results in a short visit usually under an hour. Patients report minimal to no discomfort.  We use ice to numb the treatment area and offer a topical numbing cream before administering your treatment. These reactions are normal, generally mild to moderate, and usually disappear within a week. The amount and areas of injections will be identified after the consultation. There may be some slight bruising or redness after injection. You can see results almost immediately after the procedure is completed, and the effects can last up to 9 months.

Anti- Wrinkle Treatment (Xeomin)

What is Xeomin?

There are 43 muscles in your face, all pulling in different directions, and it’s time to give them a break. Xeomin is a results driven, aesthetic and therapeutic injectable neuromodulator which is clinically proven to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows and wrinkles in adults. It is a neuromodulator derived from botulinum that, when administered in extremely low concentrations it is an effective treatment for many medical and aesthetic conditions. It is both a Health Canada and FDA-approved product with clinically proven results. 

For all our patients who have been working hard to feel good on the inside, we want you to look and feel your best on the outside too! Dr. Gansner offers anti-wrinkle treatments (Xeomin) to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the face.

How does it work?

Xeomin works to block acetylcholine, the chemical messenger that causes muscles to contract, preventing it from reaching the nerve thus stopping muscle contractions and making them less stiff. This is temporary and normally lasts for 3-4 months. By injecting extremely small doses to a specific muscle, we can safely relax the muscle. The overlying skin lines will gradually soften and smooth out. Xeomin takes effect in 3-7 days, while maximum results are achieved in 10-14 days. Giving your skin a fresh, natural and rested appearance!

What are the side effects?

The injections are relatively painless with little to no downtime.  Some patients may experience some temporary redness or bruising immediately after the treatment. Rarely, if Xeomin migrates to the upper eyelid, one can experience a slight drooping of the eyelid which corrects itself after a short while. Occasional temporary numbness of the forehead and a transient headache may occur. There have been no reports of allergic reaction to Xeomin.

How much does a typical treatment cost?

Dr. Gansner performs an initial consultation to determine the scope of the recommended treatment, and adopts a less and more frequent approach to Xeomin injections to ensure a more natural appearance. She charges $10 per unit, with an average treatment using between 20-50 units.