Sophie Cascade


Registered Massage Therapist

After twenty years working in the environmental and fisheries sector, Sophie decided that it was time for a change. She has always found the interconnection between the body and mind fascinating and to deepen her knowledge, she decided to go back to school to become a massage therapist. Sophie graduated from Vancouver College of Massage Therapy (VCMT) in 2022. Relaxation or stress relief focused, her treatment integrates techniques such as Swedish techniques, myofascial release, and trigger point release.

Born and raised in Reunion Island, Sophie moved to Canada in 2013, and settled in Vancouver, making it her new home. While she misses the activities that her island offered, such as surfing, hiking without the fear of meeting a bear, or scuba diving, Sophie is now enjoying the variety of activities that Vancouver has to offer, ranging from yoga, bouldering, cycling, swimming, to sailing. Her next challenge will be to learn cross-country skiing next winter. She is always keen to learn more and integrate her experiences in each of these sports into her massage practice.