
Mixing modern and traditional medicine to whip up a personalized recipe for your well-being. We take the time to savour your unique story and health concerns. Our expert support at Oak Integrative will help you embark on a journey toward health and wellness.


You don’t have to hurt anymore! Physical touch and a strong connection are central to treating physical ailments. Our Registered Massage Therapists are here to help you improve your movement, and educate you on how to make your body feel its best.


Our acupuncturists believe in supporting physical, mental, and emotional well being through acupuncture. Acupuncture has shown to be beneficial for fertility, menstruation, and menopause, headaches, as well as mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety.


You don’t have to do it alone. Our Registered Clinical Counsellors can provide support to you and your loved ones one on one or as a group, meeting you where you are on your journey.


There is more to health than what you can see. Our team of doctors offer many kinds of testing to get to the root of your health concerns, such as hormonal, adrenal, and blood testing.


Need a quick boost? Try IV Therapy! Our naturopathic doctors mix a custom cocktail of vitamins and minerals tailored specifically to your needs, in an easily absorbable method. Grab a book, catch up on emails, or just rest and relax while you absorb what your body is craving.


Did you know the BC CDC recommends pap testing every three years for people with a cervix between the ages of 25-69? Here at Oak, we pride ourselves on our ability to curate a safe, welcoming, and informative space where you can be comfortable.


Pregnant and curious about your newest addition? We offer Non Invasive Prenatal Testing to learn more about your brand new family member. After one short appointment with our Naturopathic doctors and a quick blood draw, you will learn all about your babe-to-be.


Trust your gut! Bloating, gas and heartburn don’t need to be a part of your daily reality. Incorporating simple food & dietary changes, supplements, and acupuncture are proven tools to help create a happy and healthy digestive system. We’re here for you!


Platelet Rich Plasma is a procedure that is used to regenerate tissue and hair. The doctor will remove blood from the patient, extract the plasma, and reinject it into the desired area. PRP can be used for joint concerns, skin rejuvenation, and hair loss.


Micro-Needling is a treatment that uses a pen-shaped device tipped with hundreds of incredibly thin needles that is run along the skin, puncturing hundreds of tiny holes in the top layers of the skin. This procedure opens up the skin to allow for improved absorption of skin care products, and stimulates the body’s natural wound healing process.